Sonja Grace on What Will Happen in 2012- By: Sonja Grace

Description : There is a shift in consciousness going on right now that is quiet and subtle to most but to the spirit realm it remains top priority. There is constant balance maintained in all realms, both here on earth and in the spirit realm. Balance is achieved through our experience of the duality and thrown off by our limited ability to move beyond the duality. The spirit realm helps us maintain balance in the universe and the souls on the planet help maintain balance on earth.

The year 2012 has marked a time of prophecy and ending of the Mayan calendar. This is a time that is important to the earth and humanity in that we are already in the process of shifting our consciousness to a higher vibration. This shift is taking place and will be ready to usher in the age of peace for the next 300 years.

My guides also explain that the cataclysmic events that humans fear will not come about in the rush of mega force but as the usual tornado, hurricane, earthquake and volcanic eruption that has happened over time and centuries. We will discover the need for humanity to become one and globalize our consciousness. This is a way for the human race to experience the God body and regain the awareness that we are here to support the earth not as we have believed prior, that the earth is here to support us. Everything we create and experience is energy, and we have not yet explored the depths of our abilities. This new age will allow us to achieve a connection to what was our original intent to incarnate. The difficult perspective on life, ownership and jealousy will be addressed in the next two years and reach a state of rapture that causes everyone to stop. People will be heavily invested in the duality and sides that have already been taken will divide even more.

The finale to this energy will be an event that will wake up the world. My guides state that the event is an act of war and will be revoked before the end is created. The world will rally to the defense of peace. This is not the first time this has happened and history repeats itself once again for those who have not yet raised their consciousness to do so. There will be a series of meteor showers that remind us of our insignificance and perhaps serve as the universe setting the record straight on what is important and what is not.

The year 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar is serving it s purpose, for humanity is paying attention and be it through fear there is an awareness that a shift will take place. Let us all drop our fear now and move forward into an age of peace with the knowledge that we have learned many lessons from the past and we are now ready to embrace the future with a higher consciousness that lends itself back to caretaking the earth.

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Author Resource : For over thirty years, spiritual psychic, Sonja Grace ( has been offering her clients, both in the United States and abroad, immediate stability, clarity and guidance through her readings, counseling and processing work.